Beach Finds

Beach Finds is a collection of 3D artworks created by composing photos I took in the beaches of Dierhagen and Prerow in the northern see of Germany, combined with 3D objects with the intention of blurring the lines between what’s real and what’s digital art.

This 3D art series might be a new branch from my personal 3D experiments, also created as contribution for the artist collective 1-1PR.f2R.SM [Hyperfuturism], a global collective of elite digital artists, united in pursuing new frontiers in creative consciousness. You can follow the different artists and outcomes from this collective through their Instagram account @1_1pr_f2r_sm_.

One of the main obsessions from these 3D pieces was to capture the natural light and in particular its effect over sea-glass. So most of the artworks feature textures inspired by colourful glass eroded and sanded by the natural action of the sea. Most compositions reflect on mutations and uncanny possible events, like a new nature that is found on the shores of the northern sea.

Date:  10 November, 2022
Skills:  3D, Art
Beach Finds | 3D artworks by Geso