God Is A Glitch is the name I chose for my visual portfolio, not because is my name or my brand. I use Geso as artistic name / brand, but beside my personal meaning developed behind it, Geso as an address for a website didn’t create an image in your brains. So I decided to look for something you could remember easily, something that could generate inside you an idea, a concept, something to think about that at the same time is deeply connected with my personal and artistic interests.
Going deeper into the concept of God Is A Glitch, it looks contradictory to believe in someone or something that is an error, a mistake… But if we understand God as a creator or a source of creation, maybe we can picture it as a wild and uncontrolled bug inside an advance technological system. A beautiful mistake that generated independent forms of life, at the same time capable of generating their own creations. Glitches spreading more glitches. Just imagine it.

Why this website?
After working long years behind other names and projects (Belio Magazine, GeeOhDee, K405, The Mask Collective, etc.), my creative evolution took me into the world of performing, visual arts, video art, motion graphics, etc. Geso has been my alias to explore new fields of creation. But in the last years all these games and experiments have been successfully shaping a solid body of work and most importantly they helped me finding my own style, my own message, and myself in a way. That’s concerning my personal work, what you can find at Home or directly at All Work.
Beside my work, there is still this urgent need for finding inspiration out of my own box. And at the same time there is certain pleasure in sharing it. All that was previously covered under Belio Magazine. So, this sort of blog or online magazine comes to fill that purpose, to spread my ideas, my experiences but also to share the things I love and admire, other artist’s work. I see this part of the website as a continuation of my work at Belio, but in this case more focused in audio-visual culture and video art.
I will try to keep a regular feed of videos, music streams, reviews, but also opinion articles and personal statements. My wish is to publish once a week, if possible, or even more. But that we shall see.
Why I do what I do?
Probably I don’t need to explain myself but… My work is my passion, is my life. And at the same time the art and music I feel passionate about fills my life with joy and inspiration. If I don’t do all this I turn grey, in a way, and that’s not good at all.
So, on one side I hope you will discover and enjoy my personal work. And on the other side I want to share with you what inspires me, maybe you find there also inspiration for your daily work / life. At the end, we are what we feed ourselves on, right?
Why all these questions?
Sorry for all the fuss, but I just felt the need of explaining myself out loud in this first entry. Like a proper introduction: Yes! Hi! This is me, Pablo, or Geso, Here I am.
If you got until here, until the end: BIG THANKS for reading me! I love you all! And please feel free to comment or ask whatever is on your mind.