As it happens a lot of times, I came across these albums due to the artwork in the cover. The first time I just saw that image of ``Volume Two``, I don't remember where but I do remember saving the image in my computer in my folder of inspiring images. The second time I came across it I realized it was that, a cover of an album, a second volume,…
If you read already the first part of this review of Berlin Atonal 2017, you already know I'm taking you through an audio-visual journey spiced up with some mushrooms, just to refresh your mind. As I commented in part 1, my vision of the festival, my highlights are extremely a personal choice, and I’m happy that I shared conversations during the festival where other people have different views. Also I…
Here is my very personal review of the past Berlin Atonal 2017, and I say very personal because first, it’s always a personal choice and taste, and second because my Atonal experience is always an inner journey, indeed the original title of this review was "Atonal on mushrooms”. But somehow I don’t want to make of this a sensational thing like a vice-kind-of-article. So first things first, an introduction: Berlin…
This day, the 6th of August marks 10 years since I moved to Berlin. And I want to take a moment to meditate what those ten years meant at a personal level, but also professionally, how living in Berlin affected me and how I see the city through all this years. Of course this article is gonna be quite personal, more than usual, but beside sharing my stories, maybe this…
The capacity to translate music notes and rhythms into visual forms, generally called Visual Music is one of the crossbreed art concepts that I feel more identified with. Also because it connects two of my biggest passions: Visuals (all kind of graphic expression) and music. Therefor it was a matter of time to write a piece about all this in my blog. Indeed AV Brain Feeder is meant not only for…
As we commented in our previous article about encouragement, beside being artists we are also humans, have a life and is not always easy, the ups and downs, the uncertainty of our time, the struggling, the continuous fight, the society we live in and we somehow maintain… There is many times I felt like giving up, and probably you felt it too. It’s not only about having an (artistic) career,…
This article is meant to be a kind of artist encouragement, a compilation of video stories from other artists to bring inspiration, hope and support for those creative people struggling with their work, with their career. Because it’s known that choosing to be an artist is maybe an easy choice but “succeed” doing it is one of the hardest paths in life. Although maybe we should first check what means…