As we commented in our previous article about encouragement, beside being artists we are also humans, have a life and is not always easy, the ups and downs, the uncertainty of our time, the struggling, the continuous fight, the society we live in and we somehow maintain… There is many times I felt like giving up, and probably you felt it too. It’s not only about having an (artistic) career, it’s also about love, happiness, other people around and the relationships in between.
What if someone could tell you with absolute certainty that whatever you are passing through, it will pass. That you don’t have to worry about anything, that it might look dangerous or risky, but whatever you do there won’t be “wrong” choice, just the necessary steps to achieve your deeper wishes and dreams. Would you feel lighter, better? Maybe the detour your life is taking to that destination was the only way to get there, and you just didn’t know. Or maybe you find an even better destination.
Sometimes we need to experience somehow loneliness, fear (of all kinds), pain and sorrow in order to learn, to become something else, to move forward. The important thing is not to expect things to come right away, it will take time, just be patient and keep moving forward. Celebrate each step in that direction. Keep on creating or doing what you know best, what makes you feel alive, special, unique…
I keep on writing this article with this mission to spread encouragement, then I delete or rewrite it because I could tell you a thousand things about improving your life, about trusting the destiny that awaits you, but at the end is a personal choice, something you have to believe in, no matter what. Just keep on doing it with passion and devoted love, or if you are not feeling it, move away, change whatever is necessary to find the life you want. IT–WILL–WORK–OUT!
The following video selection represents these ideas by giving real examples, they are meant to inspire and offer encouragement for your life. I hope you enjoy it and find some answers:
Creatures of The Deep from Josh Brine
I think this video connects perfectly the previous article about Encouragement [for creation] with this one. Connecting the idea of creation with whatever you do, you don’t need to be an artist to be creative or to defy reality. Here it would fit perfectly the Nike slogan “Just Do It”.
The Conditioned from Michael Marantz
It can take you long, a very long time, but sometimes a new surprising chapter in your life can arrive from the most unexpected place. Love, family, certain recognition, maybe a dream to come true. The story of Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho is maybe one of the best demonstrations that last thing you should lose is hope.
Follow Your Fears from Live Unbound
This video has a totally different vibe, instead of inaction it pushes the concept of action, and for that you need to deal with your fears. Extreme sports are highly connected with that edge between fear and pushing limits.
Slomo from Josh Izenberg
This short movie tells us about the life of Dr. John Kitchin, who disillusioned with it decided to change his life, to leave behind all he did and lived for and started finding himself (and also peace and spirituality) rolling as slow as possible beside the Pacific Beach. It’s never too late to change things!
Run Jose from Dave Meinert
And sometimes the life you have is not the one you have chosen, there are facts bigger than us, like war or being abducted as a child and being forced to kill. This is the story of Jose and how he decided to follow a dream, and to follow it he had to run, so he ran and ran.
Surrender from Porteus Xandau
I love this word, surrender, I personally think many times we struggle with things because we are stubborn, sometimes we only have to surrender, to embrace who we are, what reality offers and keep on living. This video is a portrait of Milton’s journey in search of peace, one that reveals an essential truth: the experience of losing control offers unexpected and beautiful surprises.
Hi Stranger from Kirsten Lepore
I wanted so badly to end this encouragement session with this video 😛 If by any chance you think all that here exposed is bullshit… Well, that’s OK! This video is meant for you, Stranger… I love you! hahahaha