If you are familiar with my trip reviews of Atonal (2017, 2018, 2021), you already know what I do here… if not, here is a little introduction: The following chronicle is a mixture of AV review of the festival, offering my personal opinion over the performances I had the chance to enjoy, combined with or altered by my experiences with psychedelics (mushrooms). The combination of these two, Berlin Atonal and my trips is a personal way to enhance both, opening myself to a full sensorial and transcendental experience that I enjoy sharing here.
1. This is a PERSONAL review, my opinions are just opinions, based on my experience attending this kind of events, and performing AV live sets. I want to make this point clear, because my intend is NEVER to offend any artist, neither the festival organisers or the audience. I want to write this review with the utmost respect to everyone. I’m not better or worst than anyone I might criticise here, but I want to be straight honest with what I experience and think.
2. I don’t recommend or encourage anyone to take mushrooms or any other ‘drug’. But if you decide to do it, I certainly recommend you to get informed first, do it in a safe environment and surrounded by people who care about you and can help you in case of trouble. Clubs and festivals, in general, are not the best place for a first psychedelic experience, as everything (loud sound, stroboscopic lights, too many people around) can be overwhelming and stressing.
I understand this might be a long read. So, here you find a summary with links to the different chapters, in case you want to skip:
The new Atonal, evolving or dying.
This is the first full Atonal Festival in 4 long years. It’s true that during the past years there has been other events run by them and with similar style, but never was the same. So, there was big expectations for this ‘come back’, in general, but specially at a personal level. First question was about if we would find ourselves in the same festival or if it has changed, for the best or the worst. The answer to that it’s easy, even though I didn’t know until the festival started. Obviously everything has changed after the last 4 years. The society, the economy, the concept of performing, the way we do art, even ourselves have changed. So obviously this Atonal could not be the same.
And how it has changed? In many ways… First the dates, for many Atonal were connected with summer holidays in Berlin, that’s not anymore, and for many this might be painful as it’s harder to attend if you live abroad and have certain job obligations. But for Berlin’s shake it makes all sense… moving their dates to the very same week that happens to be the Berlin Art Week offers the opportunity to contextualise the festival as an art event, as I always claimed it to be, instead of being just another experimental music festival.
Don’t get me wrong! Still and mostly is a music festival, but seems like this year the directors / curators intended to make (even more) clear the high interest in the artistic approach of the artists presented. Which I consider a positive thing. So, some slots in the line-up sometimes were substituted by film projections or art performances… It’s not the same, true, but it also gives the opportunity to put at the same level all art disciplines. It only requests that the audience has to come with an open mind, willing to enjoy the full experience, instead of just coming to “party”.
Other notable changes were the extended duration, 10 days instead 5, the different way of using the space, having different stages and performing places, instead the usual stage in the main hall, the separation between the festival days (Weekend 1 and 2) and the exhibition days (Universal Metabolism), even though still both included music performances and art. And last but not least, two aspects that need to be commented aside: the prices and the visual side of the festival (in the Conclusions). In my opinion all those changes are necessary changes, either you like them or not, and most of them come through the different experiences and experiments during the last 4 years. It’s clear we live in hard times, economically and socially, so making the festival more effective and profitable is key if we want it to last. I highly value the aim of using the space in so many ways, making the audience move from one to another place, so they can appreciate and enjoy it from different perspectives. Of course we love the classical stage with the totemic screen, but it’s good to rethink and explore other options, even if sometimes they are not the most wanted.
About the prices… Before and during the festival I heard many complains about how expensive it was. Prices were around 50-60 euros a day, 150-160 a weekend, and about 300 the full festival pass. Is that expensive?
A) YES! If you consider spending that money all at once, knowing how hard this year and the previous ones have been, considering the inflation, the global situation, etc. True, you feel it in your pocket harder than 4 years ago.
B) NO!! If you consider that every night there is more than 10 artists performing, in most cases presenting exclusive shows that might never be seen again, also considering the dimension of the place and the cost of make all run in such beautiful way… Make maths, divide the price you paid and tell me if it worths it.
If you still think is expensive, we have a problem. A big one. Because we have to ask ourselves if we want festivals and clubs to pay fair fees to the artists. And we have to consider that not always things can run based on public fundings and state helps. Those times are gone. But think it another way… If the same week you are asked to pay almost 40 euros for just 1 concert + support artist (artists that usually you will find at Atonal)… It seems to me that tickets for Atonal are a much better deal. But it’s also a matter of personal choice.
The opening (W1)
So here we are, stepping once again inside the stunning Kraftwerk. The venue is filled with a dense smokey atmosphere and low lights… it almost feels like the building has been closed for the last four years and we are the first ones going in. Which is a curious feeling, considering that I already know the building, it made me feel I was about to discover it again. Before the first concert I explored all the open spaces, searching for the art pieces included this year, some of them seemed like hidden, which adds that “explorer” feeling. The art selection offered shows a really particular style, a combination of science, poetic moments, raw aesthetics, archival material, black and white, organic and industrial, all at the same time. If that Atonal style was already defined years ago, the time passed by only made it more consistent, which means an important and solid curational work, that fits perfectly with Kraftwerk‘s environment.
The opening act, on the ground floor, was Valentina Magaletti, Italian drummer who set the perfect tone to light up the place with an slow performance between post-jazz, ambient and industrial, the right in the middle point between acoustic and electronic that might define the many styles contained in the festival. Her performance felt like a rusty machine brought back to life.
After that and moving already to main stage we were about to encounter the world premiere from one of the big names in the evening, Laurel Halo was presenting her new album Atlas. Her live performance had no visual companion, but used lights reflected on a scaffolding covered with metallic fabrics… an element I thought was meant as stage design for her performance, but later on we will discover it was part of the general set up… It didn’t convinced me, seemed like those ideas that look nice on paper but not the same in real life, still worked out nicely on occasions, when there was enough smoke and lights bouncing. Laurel performed on a grand piano and electronics, along cellist Leila Bordreuil. Personally I have never been a big fan of her music, I tried several times, and this new album and performance didn’t got me, even though I like modern classic and ambient music.
The next one on the main stage was one of the surprises of the evening. On a different set up, on the middle of the floor, which offered a wide screen for visuals, we had EROS an assemble including Boris Wilsdorf, Regis (mostly singing) and Liam Andrews (from My Disco). They offered a really short but energising performance that sounded like a personal take on post-punk and old-school industrial music from a contemporary perspective. The show was accompanied with pre-recorded visuals, simple but elegant videos filmed in black and white that fitted the tone, even if most of the times worked as a mere aesthetic background. The evening followed a video projection from James Richards and the art performance from Florentina Holzinger.
Florentina Holzinger is known for her intense performances, usually including nude female performers, blood, loud sounds, fire, car wrecks, etc. She was presenting Étude For Church, part of a series of “sound activations” of different spaces, and a place like Kraftwerk well deserves such treatment. The performance will take place each day of the first weekend, so, 3 performances. And I must confess, being able to experience this performance 3 times offered me the opportunity to observe, change perspective, reflect on it and get my own conclusion. This first time I felt drowned to watch it up close, I enjoyed seeing the whole choreography, the big old bell from the church as a central point, the different women “activating” the bell like angels making God’s work, the suspended performers banging the other metal plates as intensively as their hooked bodies allowed them. No doubt, Holzinger knows how to paint an strong image in the viewer’s mind, vivid enough to make you wonder about its meaning and intention… My first impression was that the performance played in the thin line between divinity and punishment, action and release, elevating the woman body at the center of it, right in that thin line. In any case, the inclusion of performances like this as one more act of the Main Stage widens the conception of Atonal as Festival.
Must confess I missed big part of Rainy Miller’s concert, stuck in the bar… So I could listen, but not watch most of it. It was another “world premiere”, without visuals or any key visual element, Miller performed a special set under a black hoodie moving around different areas of the main floor. Maybe I am spoiled after many editions of the festival, but when Atonal announces ‘WP’ (world premiere) I am always expecting something else than this minimalist display. Yes, still is impressive to observe the many angles of the industrial architecture in a game of lights and shadows, and experience sound getting lost and bouncing in every corner. Miller’s sound and aesthetic was just right for the place, in between beautiful pop melodies, great abstract sounds and emotional voices.
I always take it easy on the openings, I find it the right day to enjoy a quiet stroll, chat with friends and get home early… But still I stayed a bit longer for Holy Tongue on the Stage Null. Somehow was impossible to escape their sound, an infected mixture of jazz, dub, psychedelia and electronic music that made people dance. That moment when you realise your body is asking for it, forget the last U-bahn and let the rhythms take you… I did and it was rewarding. Holy Tongue proved that their albums are a mere encapsulated translation of their true nature, live performing. For me it was the perfect ending for this first night. Tomorrow the trip will start… so I needed a proper rest.
The second day (W1)
The second day of the festival used to be a great punch in all senses, with performances that invited for a more active experience, or it was just the first step on my ‘journey’… Usually each trip can be divided in different phases, but when you are committed for several days tripping, those same phases somehow are divided in between the days you are dedicating to this exploration. So, the launch is always an intense phase. Now, emerging from the ground floor, the first act was Jana Irmert, a local act that would spread a dusty feeling through the sound system, with dense soundscapes spiced with endless echoes of voices that reminded us that to dust shall we return.
The first act of the main stage was again a highly anticipated project, or let’s say that the sum of all its participants make it an interesting proposal. Another Atonal’s inbreed team-up that included usual suspects: Pedro Maia on visuals, Shackleton / Zimpel on the music side, in special collaboration with singer Siddhartha Belmannu. I knew already quite well the sound of Sam Shackleton and his many deviations into different sound spectrums, I also had the chance to see before his live set with Zimpel, which was a great game of balance between the electronics from one and the distinctive jazzy-folk clarinet sound of the other. Adding to this equation elements of Indian Carnatic music seemed like a great field to explore, so I decided to start right there my journey. The set up was beautiful, like a high contrast between futurism and tradition with some LED lights placed right under each member on stage. The experience was colourful, spicy and intense over all. But at the same time the sum of all its parts might not enhance the result… feeling like Shackleton became a mere background devoured by the omni-present powerful voice of Belmannu, same nearly happens to Zimpel contribution, but in his case the clarinet sound has the ability to make itself still present between the lyrics. Maybe, some longer moments of pure instrumental delight would have helped to balance the equation. Maybe, it’s just this kind of singing, its tone and rhythm is so powerful that by itself is a whole universe, hard to mix with other genres. About the visual aspect of this set, had the same feeling than the day before with MFO. Besides a couple of beautiful moments, what we saw was the usual analog film backgrounds of Maia, that felt more like leftovers than a purposed show. Again, looked like a visual set made on the rush to fill the bill (let’s point out that both, MFO and Maia, had two performances each lined-up in the whole festival). The whole result in my opinion has a great potential, but all the parts involved might need a finest tune up in order to find a more organic balance.
Already on the rise, Venus Ex Machina got me with all the molecules of my body shaking, perfect moment to align them with some dark and ritual sounds that she majestically spread through layers of ambient sounds and soft rhythms, a mood that she alternated with some other tracks with a more techno approach with clean and geometric sounds, electronic music shaped in pyramidal structures that reached us from somewhere far beyond, maybe that sunken mysterious land that she refers to in ‘Lemurian Tones’, the premiere she brought to us. Quite inspiring sound-wise, except the last track that suddenly changed mood and what could have been a perfect ending turned into a self-empowering solo-party, where she left the music fell down to a mere companion of her echoed screams and raving stage moment.
If the concert we just saw had nearly no visual additives, the next one made it clear from the first moment that needed nothing else than their music to conquer and make you vibrate to an state where you barely touched the physical realm, their sound made it whole, taking you in a rollercoaster of emotions and sensitivities where there was room for pure poetry, storytelling, noise, folk, post-rave epic sunshines, experimentation and hypnotic traditional chants. The world premiere presented by Aasthma and Sara Parkman was a pure feast of sound that I hope will be released in full in the shape of an album any time soon. Here you have another assemble of great musicians, each one with their own independent careers, just this time the sum all its parts enriched the final result by leaving space to each one breath their very best into it. Peder Mannerfelt is already known in the line-ups of Atonal, and usually brings a great sense of aesthetics, not only on the music side, but also in how to present it on stage, in this occasion without visual support, but as I said, it was not missed. Special mention to Sara Parkman who’s performance had the capacity to transfer pure emotions through her voice when she was reading several texts to us, even if we couldn’t understand a single word. Sometimes it sounded clearly nordic, but some other times it could have been any other language of the world, still she made us feel, she touched us, and that’s what creation (in this case singing) in pure state is made for.
After this concert it felt right to enjoy something else, and here I was to experience the second performance from Florentina Holzinger. I would have thought that as a “performance” the sound activation might have different approaches each day within the same set up, or with more room for improvisation, but I discovered that everything in the performance was more a choreography with little room for further alteration, so this time I decided to observe the performance from a more distant perspective, which was incredible, and as I have already seen what happens I decided to observe others and their reactions. My feelings towards this second experience of the same performance pushed me harder to ask for a deeper meaning Vs. a just mere aesthetic act planed to the detail. But I didn’t got any new answer or thoughts.
After a brief encounter in the toilets with one of those unsolicited lovely casual conversations with a tall muscular German guy, that felt the urgent need to ask the following chain of questions: Where are you from? Are you here on holidays? How long since you live here? How is your German? Are you planning to stay… Thanks God in that moment one cabin got free! For a moment I thought instead a toilet inside, I would find an immigration office with a couple of policemen… As I was going to say, it was time for the closing act in the main stage: Sandwell District, the sum of Function, Silent Servant and Regis, promised a high-octane techno set. For the first time in two days we see displayed the iconic vertical screen and the classic set up. The show starts with black and white visuals, a very graphic mixture of typography, burned out images and old footage with bikers, stripes, dots, hypnotic patterns, all perfectly matched to the structure of the building and the industrial driven techno, that the audience receives like manna from heaven… everything seems perfect, even my new German friend from the toilets is beside me asking “what are the odds??!!!” …the illusion lasted no longer than 10 minutes.
Blame the mushrooms or my heavy analytic mind, but after a first moment of excitement, I realise the visuals are just a mere loop made of stuff that looks from an stock-image catalogue, even worst… the catchy slogans displayed on screen (Concentrate, The Mind Benders, Protection Now! Wall of Noise, Mutant Moments, Where Next? She Does What She Needs Just To Succeed…) make me question about the real intention of those visuals, and for extension the purpose of that music. But it sounds good and it looks good, right? Step by step I go back, further away from the stage and with enough perspective my thoughts become clearer: it’s an empty shell, or skull (that is more aesthetic for the analogy), but nothing else. Those graphics, those words, they perfectly could come out of a cheap t-shirt from a shop in Neukölln. Mutant Moments? What? Wall of Noise? Which noise? Concentrate! In what? I usually love techno, and this guys are truly masters of that sound, but let’s say it: the whole show was kind of brainless. And yes, there is certain romanticism in turning off your brain and get lost in the darkness of a club when the pill is kicking in… But I rather prefer to find my true self in that darkness than escape from it.
Time for the Stage Null, my body feels tired, but still there is some great acts that I’m looking forward to see. The night there opened with aya and MFO presenting ‘u can make me hole again’, a show that was commissioned by Southbank Centre for their Purcell Sessions. And in opposition to Marcel’s show the previous day, here you could see him at his best with a combination of lights, smoke, visuals, lasers… you name it! All in perfect sync to create the right mood, taking us all to an ideal post-rave colourful fantasy that could only fit the surprising aya (before known as LOFT) and her crazy, accelerated, funny, acid, wild take on… breakcore / techno-rave. Her engage with the audience reminded a drag show on speed, were the double sense in her words crossed your brain too fast and too sharp, before you just got the joke she already dropped another hard-bass-bomb. Somehow reminded me to the good old times with Jason Forrest, Sickboy, DJ Scotch Egg, etc. All in all, putting aside the fun, it was a high detailed show, perfectly planned and performed, rich on the display of the many skills from both artists.
I was feeling pain here and there, asking if I should just give myself satisfied and head home… But The Fear Ratio acted like a powerful sound magnet and my soul couldn’t resist their great set, a combination of hyper-IDM, alien techno and hiphop echoes. That sound leaked through those beautiful speakers, the colourful flashes, the people dancing in the dark, the thick air… it was all a perfect picture to take in my mind and say good bye for today. Needed a good rest and in my head I could only hear someone asking me ‘Where does it hurt?’ and me saying “e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e”.
The third day (W1)
My first concern about this 3rd day was to find myself rested and with enough energy to face a long night of performances. So I decided to arrive later and relax while watching the first artists on the ground floor, the experimental chamber music ensemble TLF Trio. And indeed that was the opening needed. Sometimes resting is an state of mind, more than a physical posture, and this music helped to achieve that state.
Same goes for the first artist on the main floor, Loraine James who was presenting a new album. I was already familiar with her music, indeed I listened her previous albums when they came out, but never felt engaged by them, always saw them like an intimate IDM without the spark, at least the spark I personally like. The live set confirmed my pre-opinion, didn’t make me feel a thing. And once again the visuals instead of adding, became a terrible distraction, without any sense of aesthetic or apparent purpose. A badly interlaced and low resolution video filmed with a phone, a portrait of a poor English neighborhood, with special focus on the pigeons, that was not even long enough for the whole performance. Apart of questioning myself again the need of this instead of having no visuals at all, I wondered, how can an artist ignore the importance of the visual aspect of your concert. I mean, unless you want to communicate with your music that its presentation is cheap, just because… Having an screen on your back doesn’t mean projecting whatever. It means the audience are going to link your music to that moving image. Is that the purpose? Is that lack of quality an statement? Then why not playing music with a bucket and an stick? For me this is a wasted opportunity for the artist, not aware how much the visual aspect affects the perception of their music.
My trip was about to start and I wanted it to be along the music of Aho Ssan who was presenting his up-coming album ‘Rhizomes’ as AV performance with the visual artist Sevi Iko Dømochevsky. On one side I had great expectations to discover the next steps in the career of Aho Ssan, as I quite enjoyed his first album, certainly more ambient than this new one, the new tracks sound like himself but developed into a more solid and sharped form, mixing a rich field of sound references that goes from hiphop to bass music and distorted techno, without leaving behind his crafted sound-design style. A set that invited to dance as much as to listen carefully. On the other side, I also was excited to see Sevi’s work live, I already knew his highly talented skills on 3D, and he always comes announced along the fame of his collaborations with Arca, Grimes and Black Midi. And no doubt his work is great, he achieved a personal aesthetic that combines dark atmospheres, neo-gothic characters and futuristic sci-fi. But studio work is not the same as live performing, and even though he got skills and the show was quite aesthetic, the over all felt to me quite messy and somehow repetitive. There was a couple of moments that he made a great use of the vertical screen, but in general the adaptation of a pre-designed wide show to a 3 vertical frames played against himself. How? By showing 3 different scenes at the same time he ran out of material too fast, being forced to repeat several times what he already had played, and secondly, where there might be a sort of concept and narrative, ended up being a mash-up of images without a sense of direction. I have seen videos of this very same set on wide screens on other festivals and it seems like, there, it worked differently. Sadly, I couldn’t make it to see him performing his second set in Atonal with Shapednoise. Still, it was refreshing to see real live visuals again and by someone else than the usual guests.
There was a little break with a video art piece from Rebecca Salvadori that reminded somehow the Bauhaus style, immediately followed by the world premiere of ‘NTI-MA, Threshold of Awakening’ a new show from Nkisi including a fascinating dance performance. Here is an example of a concert where I had not much expectations and by the end of it I changed my mind.I had already seen Nkisi performing live in two occasions, and in both cases my feeling was of being in a dark bunker, lighted up by siren lights, where power noise and techno was being played. That sense of “club” experience made me forget the connection sometimes I felt between that and tribal music. And indeed with this new show Nkisi achieves to reconnect both, the spiritual aspect of dance as a ritual, with the contemporary concept of electronic music gatherings. Giving a more profound and elevated dimension to electronic music. No doubt that her music has evolved and enriched in many ways, also on the aesthetic side. It couldn’t have been a better timing at a personal level, my trip was about to become more and more transcendental and spiritual, the vision of sacred rooms and divine entities alternated with personal judgements, regrets, sins and confessions. Becoming more aware of the dark corners of my soul, my ego and the work that needed to be done in order to restore an inner balance.
In that state came again the performance from Florentina Holzinger, which I was about to ‘see‘ for the third time, I decided to enjoy it along friends who still didn’t have that chance, they asked me about it, but I didn’t want to spoil it… Again I was more interested in observing their reactions than seeing a choreography that I already knew. For a moment I became aware of that weird feeling everyone senses when you notice that someone is staring at you, so I excused myself and went further away in the hall, away from the performance, asking myself once again about its purpose, when I was far enough the sound hit me harder, I was still observing the performance and it stroke me that the sound came from the sound system behind me, such a detailed, rich, distorted but beautiful sacred sound… My trip asked me to ’surrender’ to it, I gave my back to the show and committed fully to hear that sound, facing the speakers and the empty stage. In that moment the so called “sound activation” passed through the depths of my body and soul, I felt it, now for real. I needed a third round to finally make sense of the performance as I suppose it was meant, realising how much the sense of sight was preventing me to experience sound in its full spectrum.
When the performance finished I turned back and I enjoyed seeing the torrent of people coming towards the stage, I left it all pass through me, using all my senses to perceive the many different languages, aesthetics, shapes, cultures and opinions of the people around me. Who has the right to say what’s right or wrong, or the real purpose or meaning of a work. Who am I to write this review and say that something is cheap, poor or bad? In that moment I enjoyed more listening to opinions of others with true curiosity, than displaying my own judgment.
I got ‘lost’ but never alone among many others to presence the last performance on the main stage. Nothing I knew about the artist and I forgot anything I read before. As many times in these trips words come to my mind, as I said before: surrender, heal… they come to you like a message. Also little I knew that the night was about to become even more spiritual, in fact Honour was presenting THE BLOOD (2TEARS & A $UCKET), and as defined on the Atonal program, I was about to experience “a sermon that pushes the boundaries of traditional religious oration and modern liturgical music”, by challenging the audience “to confront their own perspectives on love, death, and memory”. The whole show couldn’t have a deeper spiritual dimension. And I know, most people read these kind of summaries and think it’s just bullshit to look profound. But the music itself, the samples chosen, the visuals projected (black versions of the catholic visual universe), and specially the unexpected journey inside me pushed the limits I wanted to reach so badly, the reason why that night I took more mushrooms than ever in my life, like Icarus trying to reach the Sun. Everything was perfect, in the right place at the right time, when another word came to me. As soon as I verbalised it in my mind: TRANSFORM. I felt my right leg twisting and shattering through my knee, like if that word had the power to do all that by itself, letting me fall on the floor, pretty much conscious of what was happening I ran to catch my knee with both hands, everything was back in its place, but deep inside I knew something was broken somehow. I felt my body, the people surrounding me was really worried and asked me to stay still. I asked for a minute, air and space, just to feel myself. My inner self told me I could and I should stand up, so I did. I tried to calm down those around me and I thanked for their care. I stayed there, still, feeling the whole experience… in that moment, a female voice was coming through the speakers singing to me “It’s the way it is”. I understood. I got the message. I was not in pain, but I knew the consequences were coming… I ended the concert, an amazing performance. Was it provocative or profane? No, I don’t think so. Does all that darkness and unsettling electronic sounds portrayed an evil side? No, I would not place it in Heaven or Hell, that realm where I was sneak peeking in doesn’t have such bias. There, all is one.
Then I noticed someone from security was there taking care in the close distance, the paramedics came, they asked me to come with them, I ensured them I was fine, injured, but fine, still I came along with them. They seemed much more nervous and scared than me. They checked my blood pressure, ignored what I told them about my knee, got a pretty report where nothing is said about the knee, and as soon as they felt I could give 1 step out of the doors of the building, their concerns vanished like their own bodies, back in the darkness of Kraftwerk… In that moment I felt abandoned, realising that they might be more concern about if something happened inside the building than if something might happen to me one step out… Isn’t it wonderful the ‘human’ world we live in? Not gonna make a big thing of that, more important things occupied my mind at that moment.
I left myself be guided by providence and 2-3-4 steps later I encountered a good old friend with a shoulder and two arms. All I needed in that very moment. I knew that was the end. The end of this review somehow, the end of my Atonal experience in 2023, but the beginning of a different journey.
For those still interested, the journey continued, while my friend helped me getting home in a taxi, my mind was wandering through the events happened, the significance of that word (transform) and the possible futures to come. If someone asked me in that moment if I was in pain, my answer was that I couldn’t feel the pain, but the fear. Indeed fear is such a powerful tool, it can totally numb your senses, blind your reasons and push you down an spiral of panic. As soon as I was alone in my own room, I sought for help. I was falling apart running inside my mind, like if I would be inside a building on fire I couldn’t escape from. Diving in all those thoughts you never considered before dying. My brother was at the other side of the line (and the world) but he could understand what I was going through… I tried to calm down, breath… breath… deep, breath… lay down on the couch, listening some binaural music, placed one hand on my forehead and another on the chest, and surrendered to the idea of letting go. And if that was the end, so be it. Enjoy it! The calmer and relaxed I got, the lighter I felt, an immense sensation of peace invaded my body. I felt a warm light in front of me, an suddenly a cascade of memories, faces and moments fell over me. I enjoyed going through each and every one of them, specially all the people that has passed through my life. I felt my deceased grandparents and father there with me, my hands were not my hands anymore, but theirs… I felt like I was passing through different levels of blue thick light. In a way I felt ready to go, and at the same time part of my remaining consciousness had still a hook on me, enough to ask myself if all that was real or an auto-suggestion that felt pleasant in order to escape the present moment. Let go…
After a long and deep sleep, I woke up to this new reality and the challenges I had to face. The physical damage and its recovery, but also the work I have been requested to do in order to ’transform’. Whatever it means… I won’t go into further details of what happened the days after. Each one decides to believe whatever they want. For me, day by day I’m collecting valuable pieces of information, not only from the present time, but also from that night and the days before. I’m aware now of the multiple signs, my intuition have been for a long while telling me that in September, around these days, something big was about to push me forward. Although I never thought it would be this way. Other people close to me also told me they have somehow premonitions that something was going to happen to me. Does it mean I could have avoided it? Not really, “it’s the way it is”. But instead denying it, I have decided to embrace it.
By what I have experienced on the first weekend and regardless all those things I might liked or not, and the many changes, needed or not, I can still say Atonal is a true inspiring event. A whole experience that brings me always back the will to be there, to witness, to keep curious and open-minded for new artists and ideas, but specially motivates me to keep creating.
I wish I could have seen it all, I was looking forward to… [the Universal Metabolism art show and its program of performances, the laser show of Robin Fox, the visuals from Marco Ciceri for Alessandro Cortini, the special show of Blackhaine, Blawan, the anticipated AV show from CORIN, the performance from Marco Fusinato, Marta De Pascalis, Maya Shenfeld + Pedro Maia (with probably a better visual set), Shapednoise with Sevi Iko Dømochevsky (looking good as I have seen in some pictures and videos on IG), ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U and his masterful mixes, I was even curious to watch again Klein, who I didn’t like at all a couple of years ago] …and tell you all about it. Sadly I missed many things due to my injury. But still I had more than enough with just 3 days.
2. The end of the visual golden age.
Yes, this subtitle is overdramatic. Neither Atonal is the only festival known for their AV proposals, neither one event is a representation of the whole. But if you have read my day by day review, probably you understand my concern regarding the visual aspect of the festival and I want to take this opportunity to make an overview of the state of the “visual scene” (meaning: live visuals, sometimes called VJs).
For those who might not know, I’m a live visual performer (among other skills) with a long experience, not only doing my own performances, also curating and organising events. As part of this scene, I heard many times and also sustained many complains, from the low budgets sometimes we are offered, to the invisibilization of our work, passing by the lack of understanding of the scale of our work, etc. Preparing a good live visual show can take weeks or even months, it requires many different skills and knowledge. If we consider that the past 4 years have been tough for everyone… I’m not surprised that when having live visuals comes at an extra cost for a musician or a music event, that’s one budget to cut off.
At a personal level, the last 4 years I focused more on working in my studio and learning 3D, limiting my visual performances to those occasions where I was offered a proper fee, or unique venues with decent technical conditions to make my work shine. So, less performing… But I’m fine with that. To the point that I have been asking myself how many times live visuals enhance the whole music experience, or on the contrary doesn’t add or even disturb it. Certain music works best without any other distraction, true. But also, not everyone with a laptop and a VJ software understands deeply the nature of their work. And I don’t mean a display of technical abilities, a visual performer is doing a exercise of communication. Does your work have a means to an end? Could be a meaning, for you and the viewers, but could be an story or just a purpose. Because I have the feeling that beyond the trend, most of the times we are exposed to meaningless random aesthetic (or not) artefacts moving around on the screen. And sadly Berlin Atonal 2023 has been for me an example of this.

For many years Atonal meant for me a place where I was going to be surprised, discovering and enjoying the avantgarde not only in music but also in visuals (either video, analog or digital, generative or not, made in real time or not, audio reactive, code based, etc, etc, etc.). There is some names that are present every year due to their bonding with the festival like MFO and Pedro Maia, but there was always new artists to discover, new ideas and daring projects, also some bad ones, of course! But in general that was a key aspect of the festival along their already iconic vertical screen. Not this year. Already from the line up I could perceive that there were few names in that regard, if not MFO or Pedro Maia, names like Sevi Iko Dømochevsky and Marco Ciceri, sounded like a fresh addition, but just not enough.
With really exceptional occasions, the visuals shown in Atonal this year were in general meaningless, many seemed like done in a rush or with little effort, if not low budget ready-made decoration. I don’t mean they were not beautiful. Yes! they were in most cases aesthetic, but just that. Which make me ask even harder the sense of having visuals at all… I refuse to believe that visuals are just a background, and that there is no new visual artists out there ready to blow your mind. In fact I could name already a bunch of them not going out of Berlin. Before the festival started I asked myself questions such as… how much AI generated content we might encounter? Is AI a relevant trend for the visual scene? How many artists will present visuals generated with game engines like Unreal or Unity? Is it TouchDesigner finally the new standard? Is the 3D trend more or less present? New explorations into visuals made with video modular gear or other analog techniques?
Certainly the answers were not in Atonal. And I find sad to think that the festival might stepped out on the support of this scene. I want to believe, like said before that it might be an economical / practical issue and not an artistic choice. And by saying this I don’t want to blame the festival, I’m aware that in many cases the festivals are not responsible when artists bring their own AV shows ready, many times just having a video loop, done or not by a professional. It is what is, and a festival respects the will of the artist. But I do believe that curators of events like this should encourage the collaboration between musicians and true professional visual artists. The same way they care about a certain level of quality in music proposals, their match on the screen should be also considered, technically and content wise.

Life can be totally unpredictable, you can be convinced about something that will happen and yet all could twist in a split second… taking you on a whole new direction. Sometimes we seek for deep answers, enlighten experiences and profound insights, yet when it comes to you it might not be as you expected or desired. Non the less, you have to accept the message, meditate it, and be ready to embrace whatever it means. The true understanding will not come fast and easy, and usually doesn’t arrive until you have healed. For now, I can only refer to the common understanding: Transform (verb) – “To change completely the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that thing or person is improved.”
Thanks for reading, thanks for understanding and thanks for respecting a mere opinion. I also want to express my gratitude to Harry and Laurens, directors of the festival, for always welcoming and inspiring me. Last but not least also big thanks to all the people who cared when I got injured, there in the moment and later on, family and friends that showed me all the support I have. I’m looking forward to become an improved version of myself.